The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 177)
- عنوان
- The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 177)
- المحتوى
Faced with the cruelty of Zionist colonization policy, the Palestinian
peasantry was made into a "revolutionary" class: however, under the most
vulnerable conditions and in the absence of a leadership. Under the Labor-
Zionist practices, the Palestinian peasantry and proletariat had every rea-
son for alliance. Peasants and proletariat were the vanguards of the Ezzidin
el-Qassam movement; of the August, 1929 insurrection; and the 1936-1939 re-
In the Yishuv phase, the conquest of land was implemented through "gen-
tle" market exchange (although for the Palestinian peasant this was a violent
dispossession). For the objectives of the Zionist movement, this, however,
was a slow and unsatisfactory process. By 1947, the total Jewish holdings
comprised only about 9-12 percent of arable land.
The transfer of Palestinians across the boundaries of their social for-
mation in the aftermath of the 1948 War meant that extensive plots of land
were automatically transferred into the control of the Jewish State. As 250
Arab villages were destroyed upon the expulsion of their inhabitants, much
urban land was also acquired from Arab owners who were expelled or fled from
the larger towns. Extensive land acquisition operations took place then,
using the army of the newly-born State to drive Arabs over the Armistice
lines. Kibbutzim and other agricultural colonies then played a crucial role
in acquiring land from remaining Arab villages within the 1948 lines by sur-
rounding them with barbed wire fences and taking final and absolute posses-—
sion of any obtainable land.>’
The 1948 War represented a transition from the Yishuv to the nation-
building phase. This transitional period was the most critical time in
terms of large-scale acquisition of land. According to Chomsky, by the - تاريخ
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- المنشئ
- Najwa Hanna Makhoul
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