The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 182)
- عنوان
- The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 182)
- المحتوى
productive. The seasonal employees in such cases were only semi-proletar-
ianized. Semi-proletarianization applies also to the workers employed in
the small-scale Arab industries, as both of these agricultural and indus-
trial enterprises were generally characterized by the petty commodity form
of production; primitive accumulation.
The “boycott of Arab produce" under the "Tozeret Haaretz" slogan, in
addition to the discouraging policy of the British Mandate, discussed ear-
lier in this chapter, blocked the modernization of Arab production, hence
its capacity to absorb labor power as a commodity and increase the organic
composition of capital. As the boycott of Arab produce eliminated the pos-
sibility for realization of profit and its transformation into re-investible
productive capital, the "boycott of Arab produce" in turn reduced the pur-
chasing power within the Arab community itself, reducing the finding of
markets for Arab produce among the Arab masses. In this sense, the Zionist
movement applied the proletarian strategy quite dialectically indeed. This
explains the urge of the Palestinian petty bourgeoisie to respond with a
similar slogan, "boycott Jewish produce".
De-proletarianization applies also to Arab workers who, prior to the
implementation of Labor-Zionism were employed in Jewish factories and farms,
then were displaced in response to these slogans, and to Arab labor unrest
and resistance to Zionist policies.°>
It is difficult to assess the size of the Palestinian "proletariat"
displaced by the practices of Labor-Zionism during the Yishuv era, as em-
ployment data, if available at all, is not precise, specifically as far as
the distinction between proletarian and non-proletarian wage earners. The
following figures may give us a rough idea of the employment dynamics, spe- - تاريخ
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- المنشئ
- Najwa Hanna Makhoul
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