The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 184)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 184)
boycott of Arab labor on Jewish labor; as Arab cheap labor was blocked from
competing with Jewish labor, the need to depress wages, subject to the logic
of capital accumulation, specifically the essential tendency to increase the
organic composition of capital, urged the Jewish capitalist, in the face of
the "Hebrew labor only" slogan, to use precisely the unemployment of Hebrew
labor as a disciplinary mechanism for extracting higher rates of profit.
The Hebrew labor slogan was, in this sense, working against the interest of
Jewish labor. This is an example of how the covering of the essentially
bourgeois nature of Labor-Zionism with a proletarian message (the genesis
of Borochovism), hence its internalization by the "proletarizing" Jewish
settlers, finally leads them into becoming not only the exploited class,
but also the class that is "privileged" to be the exploited; the proletar-
iat. One must not disregard the possibility that "boycott of Arab labor"
and exclusive Hebrew labor" slogans have, in effect, created a feeling of
being "the chosen" labor, acting as an incentive for Jewish proletariani-
zation, and worst of all, as a means for pacifying the developing prole-
The ideology and practice of proletarian Zionism have undoubtedly
blinded the Jewish working class, since its very inception, from recogniz-
ing its true class interest; misled even as it is still forming as a class-
in-itself and therefore incapable of developing into "a class for itself",
conscious of the objective contradiction between its own class interest
and that of the capitalist class, and committed to creating contradictions
in the dominant mode of accumulation. It is thus understandable why it
has not identified itself with the interest of the Palestinian proletariat
and displaced.
The previous figures are indicative of the fact that the slogans of
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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