The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 192)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 192)
as far as it affects, in the last instance, the political the demographic
requirements for a Jewish bourgeois democratic state.
Evaluating the effects of this protective role of the Histadrut, the
same authors write:
"In the main, except for seasonal employment in the citrus groves
and a few enterprises based on government concessions, the policy
of exclusive employment of Jewish workers has prevailed. It has
no doubt increased the absorption capacity of Jews in Palestine,
in the short run, but it has also been a very important factor
in maintaining the barrier between the Arab and Jewish peoples.
Jewish labor proposes to continue to maintain this barrier at
least until the Arab sectors of the economy have developed to
the point where Arabs work approximately for the same wage as
Jews." 82
These appartheid-like implications of the practices of Labor—-Zionist
institutions, specifically the Histadrut, were facts created and used to
justify the contradictory political positions of left wing Zionists regard-
ing the native Palestinian labor. As Yaacov Roi, an Israeli historian,
documents, when challenged by the Arab labor movement leading to the 1929
and 1936-39 Palestinian mass revolts,
"They preached that the international brotherhood of workers
applied only to workers who were already secure in their em-
ployment; it did not apply to a potential proletariat that had
to struggle to find employment and could not refrain from con-
flict with those workers whose place of work they must take
for themselves." 83
Implicit in this statement is the conviction that proletariat refers
only to an already organized labor force, applying therefore to Jewish
labor only. Unorganized labor constitutes only potential proletariat,
threatening by the cheapness of its labor power to displace the "indigen-
ous" actual Jewish proletariat, and hence, deserves no solidarity on the
part of the latter.
In accordance with this left-wing Zionist position, unorganized labor
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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