The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 196)
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- The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 196)
- المحتوى
an all-embracing Federation of Labour in Palestine, consisting of
two cooperating labour organizations ~- Jewish and Arab..." 89
It is obvious from the above that the Histadrut's urge to organize Arab
labor was motivated by the needs and aspirations of the Zionist movement,
not of Arab labor, and that it follows from the "left-wing" proletarian
strategy, not from other postulates of Zionism.
Notice the Histadrut's emphasis on separatism as opposed to organiza-
tional unity of Arab and Jewish workers. This separation was institutional-
ized in the resolutions adopted at the Third Histadrut Convention in 1927,
which provided for the creation of a Confederation of Palestine Labor (Brith
Poale Eretz Israel), whose aim was stated to be: "The union of workers of
Palestine, regardless of religion, nationality or race, into one league for
the purpose of improving their economic, social and cultural position."
Under this Confederation there would be Jewish unions and Arab unions and
each national group would constitute an autonomous section within the Con-
As put by Abbu Khushi, a leading Zionist advocate of Arab-Jewish cooper-
“We want to help the Arab workers found an Arab labor organiza-
tion which will have a fraternal bond with our Histadruth. We
do not intend to make a Jew or a Zionist out of the Arab, any
more than we mean to conceal our Zionist aspirations from him." 91
This emphasis on autonomous organization of Jewish and Arab labor is of-
ten euphemistically interpreted to express the bi-national attitude on the
part of the Histadrut. It is bi-nationalism, however, in the context of a
Jewish Commonwealth program which explicitly denies the validity of bi-na-
tionalism in the sense of a political parity, but assumes bi~-nationalism in
the cultural and communal sense. It is not only that cultural and communal - تاريخ
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- المنشئ
- Najwa Hanna Makhoul
Position: 61054 (1 views)