The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 202)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 202)
rule of feudalism and the men of religion, and regards the
Arab toilers (the worker and small farmer) as the natural al-
lies of the Jewish workers in their struggle to develop the
country and to establish a bi-national socialist society with-
in it...." 103 (emphasis added)
It was also this extreme left of the Zionist movement that formulated
the ideas of a socialist bi-national State in Palestine in which "the Jew-
ish people returning to their homeland and the Arab people living in it"
would have equal rights.
It is difficult to find the appropriate words for characterizing these
implausible positions taken by the extreme left of Zionism on the question
of native labor: on what basis did they conceive of the community of eco-
nomic and social interests of the Jewish and Arab toilers in Palestine?
The Arab toiler was to be necessarily supplanted by the Hebrew toiler and
dispossessed from the land (his only instrument of labor, of toiling) on
which the kibbutzim of Hashomer Hatzair were to be erected in order to cre-
ate exclusively Jewish toilers!
It is true that Zionism has, in effect, "freed" Arab tenants and small
peasants from the bond to the land, their source of exploitation under feu-
dal relations of production; yet, adhering to the proletarian strategy, it
deprived them of the "coersive" freedom to sell their labor power, prohibi-
ting their actual proletarianization, denying them the possibility of be-
coming a potentially self-emancipating class.
The economic and social interests of the Jewish and Arab toilers were
absolutely counterposed under the hegemony of proletarian Zionism. In this
respect, left-wing proletarian Zionism did, in effect, provide not an alter-
native to, but rather legitimization for, right-wing proletarian Zionism.
The distinction between right- and left-wing proletarian Zionism is,
therefore, practically irrelevant. The actual practices of right-wing pro-
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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