The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 203)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 203)
letarian Zionism seem to be the only consistent implementation of the pro-
letarian Zionist strategy.
A summing-up example of these daily practices is expressed best in the
following statement by David Hacohen, a leader of the MAPAI Labor Party,
and a long-time member of the Kenesset, where he says:
"I remember being one of the first of our comrades [of Ahdut
Ha'avoda] to go to London after the First World War....There
I became a socialist....When I joined the socialist students....
And even here, in these intimate surroundings, I had to fight my
friends on the issue of Jewish socialism, to defend the fact that
I would not accept Arabs in my trade union, the Histadrut; to
defend preaching to housewives that they not buy at Arab stores;
to defend the fact that we stood guard at orchards to prevent
Arab workers from getting jobs there....To pour kerosene on Arab
tomatoes; to attack Jewish housewives in the markets and smash
the Arab eggs they had bought; to praise to the skies the Keren
Kayemet [Jewish National Fund] that sent Hankin to Beirut to
buy land from the absentee effendi [landlords] and to throw the
fellahin [peasants] off the land - to buy dozens of dunams [one
dunam = .23 acres] from an Arab is permitted, but to sell, God
forbid, one Jewish dunam to an Arab is prohibited; to take
Rothschild, the incarnation of capitalism, as a socialist and
to name him the "benefactor" - to do all that was not easy.
And despite the fact that we did it - maybe we had no choice -
I wasn't happy about it." 104
The last sentence of this statement may be taken to signify an evidence
in support of our conclusion: namely, the absolute distinction between
Zionism and socialism; as Zionism was practiced. The logic of this actual
historical process seems consistent with the proletarian Zionist strategy.
It is irrelevant to argue whether or not Zionism could have been practiced
differently had left proletarian Zionism become hegemonic. The fact that it
did not, even in the Yishuv, is an absolute one; it is not inconsistent with
the proletarian Zionist theory, and most likely, it would not have made much
difference, as left-wing proletarian Zionism provided only for a source of
tactical flexibility and pragmatism for the actualization of the essentially
one Zionism (aimed at a Jewish State to act on behalf of the big Jewish capi-
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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