The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 205)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 205)
national program was superceded by the transfer program is not accidental;
proletarian Zionism is intrinsically incapable of implementation in other
than the "transfer" way. To elaborate, in the previous chapter we tried to
establish that theoretically Borochovism was bourgeois in character. In
this chapter, we intended to demonstrate that also in practice Borochovism
(the imperative of Jewish proletarianization and Jewish class struggle) was
implementable only in terms of capitalist development. Exclusive Jewish
proletarianization and class struggle implied necessarily the consolidation
of Jewish capitalism.
The reproduction of an exclusive Jewish capitalism transplanted in the
midst of a pre-capitalist social formation was simply inconceivable. It
contradicted the laws of capitalist accumulation. For the reproduction of
Jewish capitalist relations of production required necessarily the integra-
tion and subordination of Jewish pre-capitalist forms of production. To
guarantee the reproduction of the Jewishness of the relations of production,
of social classes, and of class struggle, it was imperative to deform the
indigenous social formation. Deformation was executed through dispossession
and expulsion of the Palestinians. Proletarian Zionism could have been im-
plemented without "transfer" of the indigenous population only if this pop-
ulation was Jewish. In that case, however, the proletarian strategy loses
its relevance to Zionism.
One may further argue that the transfer solution took precedence over
bi-nationalism, owing to incongruities between the proletarian Zionist
theory and the material and non-material conditions of Palestine in which
it was put into practice; and that it could have been implemented differ-
ently in a different environment, say if Palestine were, in fact, “a coun-
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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