The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 210)
- عنوان
- The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 210)
- المحتوى
this land is now prohibited indirectly by State law. This way, the bour-
geois State rids itself of the need for explicit discriminatory slogans
like the ones used in the Yishuv phase to live up to the twin labor Zionist
principles "conquest of land" and "Hebrew labor".
It is important here to try to understand why the Yishuv institutions
(often referred to as the formative elements of the State), which are world-
wide in scope and which were created to develop a material "base" for the
Jewish State "superstructure", remained operative after the establishment
of the State; and even became organs of the State itself.
This combined institutional structure and content of the State of Is-
rael makes it a complex one of a dual character: both an Israeli and Jew-
ish State, and simultaneously national and world-wide. Perhaps this dual
design is the only way that there can be a Jewish State that is to serve
all the Jewish bourgeoisie, both in Diaspora and in Israel itself.
It is not the place here to treat this question in any meaningful way.
It may, however, be treated later in this thesis. What we must point out
here is that, in effect, this dual institutional character of the State
superstructure enables the State of Israel to channel the means of produc-—
tion into exclusively Jewish use, denying its Palestinian-Arab citizens
access to resources without explicit violation of the bourgeois democratic
traditions to which it explicitly adheres.
Concrete examples on how this actually works are abundant in a study by
Tan Lustick entitled "Institutionalized Segmentation: One Factor in the
Control of Israeli Arabs.""113
Until now, we have emphasized only the methods and institutional ar-
rangements.of land acquisition during the nation-building phase. We have - تاريخ
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- المنشئ
- Najwa Hanna Makhoul
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