The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 211)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 211)
not mentioned the volume of land actually expropriated from Palestinian-
Arab citizens during this period.
Official sources indicate that substantial territories were expropria-
ted after the establishment of the State. JNF holdings increased from
936,000 donams (Donams - 1,000 sq. meters) in May, 1948, to almost 3,400,
000 in 1950, 724
Between 1949 and 1967, Yossi Amitai writes:
"Over 125,000 hectares from the 187,000 hectares that belonged to
Arabs the day Israel was created have been expropriated by dubious
legal means for Zionist motives." 115
It must be stressed here that these 187,000 hectares that belonged to
the Arab population of Israel does not constitute the whole of the 8 per-
cent which is "secular" land, that is, not controlled by JNF. It consti-
tutes only a very small portion of the latter. That 8 percent is primarily
situated within the coastal orange belt, the most fertile land in the coun-
try and is privately owned by Jews 116
Land was expropriated from Arab citizens of Israel not so much for its
fertility and, therefore, agricultural value, but primarily for the erec-
tion of Jewish settlements in the heart of the Arab populated areas to dis-
perse them, hence reduce their potential to constitute a political risk,
such as the demand for majority rule in the Galilee, for example.
Examples of such Jewish settlements are Carmiel, Upper Nazareth and
Ma'alot, in the West Galilee, where Arab demographic Superiority has pre-
Regardless of the purpose of expropriation, the effect was always fur-
ther displacement of the remaining Arab peasants, the creation of further
Palestinian-Arab, labor supply inside Israel. Whether the generation of
further Palestinian labor supply during nation-building was or was not like
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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