The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 212)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 212)
during the Yishuv correlated with the generation of demand for Palestinian
labor is the subject of the following section.
B. Arab-labor Policy
The threat presented by Palestinian surplus labor to the imperative of
Jewish proletarianization during the Yishuv was considerably reduced during
the nation-building phase. This threat was reduced precisely by transfer-
ring this growing contradiction across the boundaries of what was to become
Israel. The mass of Palestinian labor surplus was stored in what, since
then, became known as the Palestinian Refugee Camps; seemingly, for a later
stage. Therefore, the methods used by the Zionist movement to prohibit the
penetration of Palestinian labor into Jewish work places during the Yishuv
became superfluous after the Palestinian exile.
The ideological slogans of the Yishuv became superfluous also because,
with the establishment of the State, new and more effective means were
available at the disposal of the Zionist movement, the repressing appara-
tuses of the State itself.
A military administration rule was imposed on the Palestinian national
minority by the bourgeois democratic State of Israel. This is activating
the Emergency Law in order to restrict their freedom of movement inside
the country. Although these practices were motivated primarily by what
they believed to be the security of the State, the Israeli authorities
have, in effect, also controlled Arab labor mobility. A system of work
permits was established to regulate the use of Arab labor in Jewish work
Another reason why the ideological slogans of the Yishuv (specifically,
self-—labor/Hebrew work) became superfluous and also inappropriate is the
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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