The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 215)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 215)
gains, yet with reservoirs of "free'' Palestinian labor that, in 1948, was
thought to be transferred once and for all.
Comparing this with the 1948 War -- which he characterizes by: "a two-
fold miracle occurred: territorial victory and the flight of Arabs," Joseph
Weitz writes: "In the Six-day War, there was one miracle: a tremendous
territorial victory. But the general population of the liberated territor-
ies remained 'stuck' in their places, and this may destroy the very founda-
tion of our State."
In reviewing this phase, it is, therefore, irrelevant to concentrate on
the other methods of land expropriation and, hence, the creation of Pales-
tinian labor surplus. More relevant here is to focus on the following fea-
(a) The massive mobilization of the Palestinian labor reserves into
Jewish work places, both from inside Israel and from the Gaza
Strip and the West Bank.
On the controversy within the ruling class regarding the use of
this labor force as expressed in Israeli mass media. We try to
highlight the revival of the labor ideals and slogans of the
Yishuv as a means of offsetting the demographic threat presented
by this immense Palestinian presence in "Greater Israel", to what
is still believed to be the essential Jewish demographic superior-
On the clash between the outlived ideals of the past and the pres-
sures exerted by new material conditions that characterize Israel
in its post-1967 phase.
The debates inside the moshav, the kibbutz, and the Labor Party may con-
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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