The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 223)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 223)
Second, a breakthrough, not only in the legal use of Arab labor but
also in the use of smuggled labor, specifically from the Gaza Strip and
the West Bank. For example, it was reported in Maariv, December 5, 1971
"The actual number of workers commuting daily from occupied
territories was estimated in 1971 to be 10,000 higher than
that number of ‘officially recruited workers’, which was
42,000 in November, 1971. These 10,000 are employed ille-
gally. Fifty percent of their wages is kept by the contrac~
tors, who collect the wages for them. Haaretz, August 11,
1972, indicates that the workday of Arab labor in the mosha-
vim is 15-16 hours, starting at 4 A.M. until 9 or 10 P.M."
The smuggling in of labor from occupied territories to Israeli work
places is not practiced directly by Jewish employers but rather through
Arab middle-men. The smuggled labor as a new feature in the structure of
the Israeli working class is coupled with the emergence of the "Raises"
as a new feature of Arab embourgeoisement 274
In an article titled, Every 'Rais' Shall Do What is Right in His
Eyes,'' Yaakov Haelyon writes the following in "That Which Hurts", a section
of Maariv newspaper:
"'Raises' from Arab settlements within the green line
bring cheap Arab labor from villages beyond the green
line: girls who are taken to Israeli settlements are
picked up like 'Sardines' in tenders. Sometimes twenty
girls or more travel in one tender. There 'Raises' beat
the girls, who sometimes have to wait many hours for
their employers to take them to their villages at the
end of a day's work."
The smuggling in of labor is increasingly becoming an ac-
ceptable practice, as expressed by the silence and indif-
ference of the police. In the same article sited above
Haelyon writes that Miriam Egozi (Moshov Rishpon) lodged
a complaint about this practice in February, 1974. She
reinforced her evidence with photographs in which the
girls are seen waiting and the vehicles block the moshav's
traffic junction. Mrs. Egozi was surprised that the po-
lice did not see the "Raises'" vehicle, which carries
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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