The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 232)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 232)
David:. . .In the kibbutzim there are volunteers from
abroad and it is easier for them. Otherwise, Arabs would
have worked even in the dining room. 144
Binjamin:. . .We have a citrus plantation near Kibbutz
Hulata. When I passed there, I saw a young man from
Hulata who took some grapefruits from me. He said, "I
see your citrus plantation is totally based on Arab
labor." I said to him, "What about your vegetable garden?
Is it not totally based on Arab labor?" He said, "We
have not succeeded in finishing the picking. As it stands,
all agricultural work is Arab work. If they went on strike
agriculture would totally collapse. And the prices! A
small shikse [a young gentile woman] takes 40 IL. a day
and a sheigetz [a young gentile man], 50 IL. a day, and
if you tell them to hurry up, they do not come back to
you." 145
Rivka:. . .1l cannot stand them.
David:. . .They became so impudent, you can hardly ima-
Rivka:. . .One of them came yesterday to drink water and
later came to phone! I thought I would explode.
Binjamin does not hate Arabs as do his neighbor and his
son. He just weeps secretly about tilling land -- the
basis of man's life and the life of the people —- which
is slowly passing from the Jews back to the Arabs." 146
This squatting by Arabs on "Jewish land" seems to frighten the Israeli
authorities and the original Jewish settlers, probably reminding them of
their own colonization strategy, known as "fait accompli": the establish-
ment of accomplished facts. 1*/
In Maariv, July 3, 1975, an article titled, "The Israeli Settlement
Authorities are Taking Action Against the Leasing of Lands to Arabs," says:
"The Ministry of Agriculture and the Settlement Department
of the Jewish Agency have recently launched a campaign to
eradicate the "plagues" of land-leasing and orchard-leasing
to Bedouins and Arab farmers in western Galilee. The Direc-
tor of the Galilee Area for the Jewish Agency, Mr. A. Nahmi,
said that his office sent a circular notice to all settle-
ments in which they are warned that the leasing of national
lands to be cultivated by Arab share-croppers, as well as
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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