The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 239)
- عنوان
- The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 239)
- المحتوى
dung out of the chicken coop -- or there will be no
restriction in respect to the type of work."
Answering him, Peretz argued:
"There is a great difference between construction work
and work on the farm. No one challenges the Arab's
right to work. I see no harm in it as long as it is
not directly connected with my work on the farm. Con-
struction is a general problem of the State of Israel,
and the State should deal with it. But we are en-
trusted by the State with the cultivation of the land.
If you object to discrimination, then how far can you
go? Are you prepared to admit the Arab worker as a
member of the moshav, having equal rights?"
Bazar, another member of the Management Committee, compromisingly
"Self-work is a lofty idea but we could not keep it.
Thus, farms based upon hired labor were established in
Beer Tuvia. Today, hired labor is Arab labor. I agree
that bringing Arab labor to the moshav is a disaster.
But we cannot change in one day a reality that has al-
ready existed for a few years. For the long-run, the
solution must be changing the character of the farms.
For the near future, the resolution which was passed is
the best solution: controlled Arab labor."
Rami Korn, a recent member on the Management Committee, expressed
a totally different point of view:
"I object to Arab labor, since it constitutes an opening
[precedence] for hired labor. Up to now, hired labor
was restricted, since there was a shortage of workers,
and thus, it could not harm the lifestyle in the moshav.
But now, there is an abundance of Arab workers and they
don't mind any kind of work, and that is the danger to
the framework of the moshav. It will bring a flight from
manual work. Already, now, the children are encouraged
to get higher education, since manual work is no longer
regarded as an ideal. A young man who graduated from
high school and continues at the university has the whole
world open for him."
The debate in this moshav was concluded with the acceptance of the - تاريخ
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- المنشئ
- Najwa Hanna Makhoul
Position: 61034 (1 views)