The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 240)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 240)
Management Resolution of "controlled" Arab labor. The Management Committee,
alone, can approve employment of Arabs. Ilana commented:
"Up to now it was the members who brought Arab labor on the
moshav; from now on, the Management Committee will bring them.
The Resolution was formulated in that form for conscience's
sake. But for me, there is no difference as far as results
are concerned. In any case, the Arabs will work in the moshav.
The principle is the important thing. Just as one cannot keep
"a little kosher" by eating only "a little pork", one cannot
keep the principle of Jewish work by taking only "a few Arabs".
She (Ilana) strongly criticizes the attitudes which were voiced in the meet-
ing and says:
"The debate between the supporters and the objectors is like
a ‘dialogue des sourds’. Most speakers evaded the main point.
They speak about hired labor, world-wide justice, rights of
Arabs, and who is a Jew. But they were afraid to say why do
they object to the Arab worker as an Arab. They ignored the
issue -- i.e., it is not a question of discrimination, but a
question of hatred -- the Arabs' hatred for us. The way we
go will lead to the destruction of the moshav, the destruction
of the State and the creation of a people of parasites. And
one should not say that I am exaggerating. In neighboring
moshavim, e.g., Nir-Banim, Arugat, etc., which did not pay
heed to this issue from the beginning, they use Arab workers
in all branches of the farm. Some workers even lodge there.
And there are families which go abroad and leave the farm to
the Arab workers. Their daughters are afraid to walk at night
on the path from the main road to the moshav. Now those moshav
members say that if it were possible, they would put back the
clock. Perhaps one cannot put back the clock, but one can
stop it."
This debate expresses quite clearly the crisis of the moshav, crisis
in the sense of incompatibility between the ideology of self-labor it em-
bodies and new material conditions of the moshav community as a microcosm
of what is happening in the country-at-large.
Moreover, this crisis in the "base" is mirrored by a similar one on
the level of the "superstructure", as expressed in the following debate
inside the Labor Party itself:
"Yediot Aharonot reported in a series of articles the discus-
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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