The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 241)
- عنوان
- The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 241)
- المحتوى
sions that took place at the Secretariat of the Israeli Labour
Party on the future of the occupied territories.
"The doves were more concerned about keeping Israel a predomi-
nantly Jewish state and therefore advised returning the heavily
populated centres. to a Jordano-Palestinian state and planning
Jewish settlement in the territories. The hawks called for
a policy of dynamic annexation and settlement in all of the
occupied territories, of integrating their economy with that
of Israel and of leaving the problem of the Arab population
in them to be solved at a later date.
"Dayan's advice was to allow conditions and the new facts to
develop into a solution without having to reach an agreement
with the Arabs. Allon feared that integrating the territories
without giving Palestinians an Israeli citizenship would raise
political issues.
"Sapir objected to Arab labour in Israel, as giving Israel a
racist character, the Arabs doing the "black work" and having
to return to sleep in their own villages. He objected to in-
tegrating a million Arabs into the Israeli economy and having
to pay for improving their social conditions. He also objec-
ted to having them send their representatives to the Knesset
and feared that by the end of the century, the Arabs would
equal the Jews in Israel.
"Peres agreed with Dayan on keeping all of the occupied ter-
ritories. He advised establishing a kind of local autonomy
in them, to be federated with Israel. He said Israel should
not be touchy about Arabs doing the "black work", for that is
what they can do.
"Eban, a dove, was on the side of returning the populated
areas and of keeping all lands needed for Israel's security.
He recommended the Allon plan, but said the map could be al-
"He advised not drawing a map, since keeping things dark added
a flexible element to negotiations. Eban said that peace in
the territories had so far been preserved because Israel had
not closed the options for a solution since it had not annexed
the territories nor had it tried to unify the economic and
legal statutes. Eban spoke about the advantages derived by
Israel from providing work for the Arabs in Israeli industries,
since this deprived the occupied territories of its labour
force and stagnated its economy.'"' 152
This dovish-hawkish polarization of the Labor Party reflects the inter-
nal crisis of the hegemonic power bloc in the dual transition from the domi- - تاريخ
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- Najwa Hanna Makhoul
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