The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 242)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 242)
nance of the political instance to that of the economic, on the one hand,
and from the dominance of the sectarian tendency in Labor—Zionism to that
of the secular.
The doves are concerned more with preserving the Jewish character of
the State of Israel and therefore advocate the return of the populated ter-
ritories, as they represent a threat to the imperative of Jewish demogra-
phic superiority. They object to the integration of Arab labor into pro-
ductive employment by Israeli-Jewish capital, believing that it gives Is-
rael a racist character and reduces its proletarian settler-colonialisn,
which does not exploit but rather expels and replaces native labor, into
a classical secular settler-colonialism. This is the conservative view
characterized by a pre-monopoly conception of the Jewish State.
Hawks like Dayan and Peres advocate, to the contrary, annexation of
the occupied territories and exploitation of Palestinian labor. Political
(demographic and security) considerations are overridden by economic ones.
Their views express the subordination of Labor-Zionism's sectarian tendency
to its secular tendency in the face of the essential internationalization
of local capital. The hawks, therefore, favor transformation in the sense
of secularization of the Jewish settler-colonial formation. What is it
that compels this faction in the hegemonic power bloc to advocate positions
that are pregnant with what is believed to be security and political risks?
To answer this question, it is necessary to identify the fraction of ruling
class (i.e., the source of capital) they represent! It is our thesis that
the hawkish position represents the political articulation of local private
capital and its urge to integrate less-developed forms of production and
subordinate them to the requirements of its extended reproduction in the
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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