The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 244)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 244)
244 ug P- QYem
iority is the function of technical know-how, not size of the army. In
both phases, the absorption of Jewish immigrants and of Palestinian-~Arabs
in productive employment by local Jewish capital were necessarily mutually
exclusive. The class interests of Arab and Jewish producers were, there-
fore, counterposed. Only in the post-1967 phase, characterized by the
dominance of the economic and by a higher degree of the development of
the productive forces, was the absorption of both Jews and Arabs simul-
taneously made possible. The rotation in dominance of instances (ideo-
logical, political and economic) is therefore not accidental. This his-
torical review suggests that it is related to the specificity of the re-
lations of production and the degree of development of the forces of pro-
duction peculiar to each phase, as will be documented later in this thesis.
A common feature in all three phases is the massive separation of
Palestinian producers from the means of production. A distinctive feature
of the present phase is the massive integration of Palestinian labor sur-
plus into productive employment by Israeli capital. It is simplistic,
therefore, to explain the proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel to-
day in terms of the mere availability of a pool of cheap Palestinian labor
in the aftermath of the 1967 war. Jewish settlement in Palestine has been
historically correlated with the creation of Palestinian labor surplus.
The Zionist "conquest of land" always resulted in displacement of Pales-
tinian producers and the presence of cheap "free" labor. In order to com-
prehend the current proletarianization of Palestinians, it is thus more
revealing to focus on the forces underlying the demand for, not the supply
of, Palestinian labor in Israeli productive employment.
As expressed in the introductory quote to this chapter, the prole-
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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