The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 246)
- عنوان
- The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 246)
- المحتوى
tarianization of Palestinian peasants at a later stage was already fore-
seen as early as Borochov. This quote, therefore, reinforces our argument
that the proletarianization was bourgeois in character. This, however,
does not negate the possibility that it was meant to be proletarian also
in character; neither does it negate the fact that it was taken to signify,
and internalized by, segments of the Jewish people as such.
The debates inside the moshav and the Labor Party are very indica-
tive of the conflict between this outlived sectarian aspect of the Labor-
Zionist ideology and the new material conditions characteristic of the
post-196/7 era. It is interesting to see the role of the social scientists
and intellectuals (Bor Yosef, Tolmon, etc.) in their attempt to reproduce
and reactivate this outlived ideology of the past in the face of a force-
ful social change.
This historical review of the relationship between the actual his-
torical practices of proletarian Zionism, specifically the attempt to im-
plement the imperative of exclusive Jewish proletarianization and class
struggle, on the one hand, and the proletarianization of Palestinians, on
the other, suggests that the latter follows as an objective contradiction
from the former. This is different from and even refutes the static view
that Palestinian proletarianization in Israel contradicts socialist or
Labor-Zionism. This apparent logical contradiction is irrelevant to the
dialectical materialist perspective.
It is important to identify and comprehend the objective contradic-—
tion inherent in Labor or proletarian Zionism, the unity of materially
contradictory tendencies, namely, that it is not only capitalist in charac-
ter, but also sectarian. This review leads us to examine the proletarian- - تاريخ
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- المنشئ
- Najwa Hanna Makhoul
Position: 38458 (3 views)