The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 248)
- عنوان
- The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 248)
- المحتوى
If the Borochovist proletarian strategy was, indeed, proletarian
in character, aimed at a socialist transformation of the relations of pro-
duction in Palestine, it would have not involved, either in theory or in
practice, the commitment for exclusive Jewish proletarianization and
class struggle, mainly because a genuinely socialist development strategy
is necessarily aimed at the abolishment, not the formation, of social
The three historical phases point out the undevelopment and under-
development of the productive forces at the disposal of the indigenous
population. The indigenous labor has been almost invariably dependent on
foreign sources of wage employment. The non-ascendency of a Palestinian
industrial bourgeoisie undoubtedly retarded the formation of the prole-
tariat and intensified the vulnerability of Palestinians in the labor
The point of this chapter was to illustrate how, under the histori-
cal practices of Labor-Zionism, the class interests of native Arab and
settler-Jewish laborers were necessarily counterposed, owing to the sectar-
ian capitalist relations of production and the low degree of development
of the productive forces at the disposal.
Attempts by Zionist left and Communists to organize Arab and Jewish
producers and politicize them on the basis of commonality of class inter-
ests were, if not ignoring, at least obscuring contradictory class inter-
est. This historical review which culminates in large-scale mobilization
of Palestinian labor into Israeli economic enterprises suggests that the
history of Palestinian non-proletarianization in the past and of their
proletarianization in the present is the history of the rise and decline - تاريخ
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- المنشئ
- Najwa Hanna Makhoul
Position: 60986 (1 views)