The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 252)
- عنوان
- The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 252)
- المحتوى
Ibid., p. 58.
Yassin, op.cit., p. 192.
From the standpoint of historical materialism, one cannot explain
why something has not occurred. One cannot provide a scientific
explanation for the non-emergence of a Palestinian progressive (i.e.
industrial) bourgeoisie. Many historians attribute this fact to
Zionist practices (see, for example, Nathan Weinstock). Although
the argument for this may sound very plausible, it remains methodo-
logically unverifiable. Historical materialism refers to the logic
of the actual historical process. Furthermore, not unlike Palestine,
in other parts of the Levant (specifically, Syria and Lebanon) indus-
trial developmnent stimulated by mercantilism had not been able to
outgrow mercantilism and destroy it and consolidate capitalist rela-
tions of production. The mercantilists remained there to be the
dominant class (see on this, 'Debate with F. Trabulsi,'' Al-Hourriah,
No. 834, October 3, 1977) independently of Zionist settler-colonial-
ism. Of course, one may hypothesize that the causes lie in colonial-
ism and neo-colonialism, but one cannot examine such hypotheses until
this process (the actual emergence of an industrial bourgeoisie)
takes place.
Many writers refer to Hovevi Zion movement as spiritual Zionism, to
be distinguished from political Zionism. This is, in my opinion, a
false distinction, as all postulates of Zionism are political. Zion
is nothing but a political movement; the Zionist idea is nothing but
the idea of a Jewish State. I wish to argue that the differences
among the various postulates of Zionism are only with regard to the
strategy by which the idea of Jewish State is to be realized; the
strategy for actualizing the Zionist aim.
On this sharp dichotomy of the Yishuv economy, consult Eliezer Brutz-
kus, Regional Policy in Israel, Jerusalem, 1970,
The Jewish Case: Before the Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry on
Palestine as Presented by the Jewish Agency for Palestine, Jerusalem,
1947, p. 66; quoted by Ian S, Lustick, "Institutionalized Segmenta-
tion; One Factor in the Control of Israeli Arabs" (Unpublished Paper
presented at the Middle East Study Association Conference in Louis-
ville, Kentucky, November 19, 1975.
Quoted by H. Hanegbi, M. Machover, A. Orr, "The Class Nature of Is-
rael,'' New Left Review, 65, January-February, 1971, pp. 3-26; p. 14.
Noam Chomsky, "Israel and the Palestinians," in Socialist Revolution,
No. 24, June, 1975, p. 140, based on Y.T. Kolton, Lesheelat Hayehudim
Ufitrona (On the Jewish Question and Its Solution), Tel-Aviv, 1932.
Esco Foundation for Palestine, Inc., Palestine; A Study of Jewish,
Arab and British Policies, Yale University Press, New Haven, 1947,
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