The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 259)
- عنوان
- The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 259)
- المحتوى
108. Sabri Jiryis, The Arabs in Israel, Monthly Review Press, New York,
1976. This work was originally prepared as a Master thesis for the
Law School of the Hebrew University, It was published in Israel,
originally in Hebrew, in 196?,
109. Noam Chomsky, "Israel and the Palestinians," op.cit., p. 67.
110. Seventy Years of Facts and Figures, Keren Kayemeth Leisrael (Jewish
National Fund), Jerusalem, 1971. (Pages are not numbered.)
111. Report on the Legal Structure, Activities, Assets, Income and Liabil-
ities of the Keren Kayemeth Leisrael (Jewish National Fund), Keren
Kayemeth Leisrael, Jerusalem, 1973, p. 6. It is stated:
"The agreement was given legal effect by a Covenant made
between the State of Israel and Keren Kayemeth Leisrael
with the sanction of the World Zionist Organization and
finally signed on the 28th November, 1961, as well as by
two further laws, viz, the Israel Lands Law, 5720 - 1960,
and the Israel Lands Administration Law, 5720 -— 1960."
112, Ibid., p. 5.
113. Tan S. Lustick, "Institutionalized Segmentation: One Factor in the
Control of Israeli Arabs" (Unpublished Paper delivered at the Middle
East Studies Association Conference in Louisville, Kentucky, November
19-22, 1975).
114. Walter Lehn, "Zionist Land," The Jewish National Fund Journal of Pales-
tine Studies, Summer, 1974, cited in Chomsky, "Israel and the Pales-
tinians," p. 73.
115. Yossi Amitai, writing in the Israeli Magazine, Hedim, cited in Le Monde,
April 11, 1973.
116. For further details on this land, consult Brutzkus, Regional Policy,
117. From an earlier quote published in Davar, September 29, 1967, quoted
by Bober, op.cit., p. 14.
118. Using the term "Jewish" economy instead of "Israeli" economy, which I
consider as a more appropriate term, may seem strange to the reader,
also. However, this is an official distinction in Israel. "Jewish"
and "non-Jewish" are two major official statistical categories. On
this issue, to which he refers as statistical apartheid, consult Is-
rael Shahak, the Chairman of the Israeli League on Human Rights.
119. Matityahu Peled, "The Arab Minority in Israel," Maariv, August 1, 1975,
Maariv is the most widely-circulated newspaper in Israel. - تاريخ
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- Najwa Hanna Makhoul
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