The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 260)
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- The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 260)
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Residential or spatial Arab-Jewish segregation is a most prominent
feature in Israel. Arabs are not allowed, by indirect or unwritten
law, to live in Jewish settlements, be they kibutz, moshav, mushavah,
New Towns and even major urban centers, except for Haifa, Greater
Jerusalem and Acre; Arab citizens of Israel are mainly rural popula-
tion, inhabitants of the overcrowded villages of Galilee and the Tri-
angle, whose number never increased since the establishment of the
State; and with a small urban segment in Nazareth and the mixed cities
mentioned above.
Arab labor in Jewish work places is, therefore, commuter labor; this
applies both to Arab workers from occupied territories as well as
citizens of Israel. A case that got much publicity in Israeli press
is that of workers from the territories locked in an Israeli factory,
which was exposed when five of them were found dead as a result of a
fire explosion in the work place. This was smuggled labor, hidden in
the work place to avoid both penalty as well as security risk caused
by free movement of Arab labor in Jewish quarters. Arab labor, thus,
can either commute daily to distant Jewish work places or be locked in
these places.
On this function of the Bantustans in South Africa, see, for example:
Richard Morrock, "The South African Bantustans," in Socialist Revolu-—
tion, No. 3, October-December, 1976, pp. 107-116, and Bernard Magubane,
"The Native Reserves," (Bantustans) and "The Role of the Migrant Labor
System in the Political Economy of South Africa," in Migration and
Development, H. Safa (ed), Mouton Publishers, The Hague, Paris, 1975,
pp. 225-260.
Deborah Namir, Yediot Aharonot, October 6, 1972.
In addition to the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, Israel has been mobil-
izing Arab, but not Palestinian, labor from the Syrian Golan Heights,
also captured in the 1967 War and recently, since her intervention in
the Lebanese Civil War, is absorbing labor from South Lebanon also.
However, this thesis focuses on Palestinian labor only.
"Administered areas" is the Israeli official term for "occupied terri-
tories". "The participation rate of men in the occupied territories is
lower than that of the Arabs in Israel (65.5 percent, compared to
74.9 percent), which is even higher than Jewish participation, 67.7
percent in 1972. The difference between the latter stems essentially
from the fact that Jewish men spend more time at school and must serve
in the Defense forces." Arie Bergman, "Economic Growth in the Adminis-
tered Areas, 1968-1973," Jerusalem, 1974, p. 31.
Bergman, Ibid., p. 33.
Maariv, June 14, 1970 (Uri Davis, p. 55).
Haaretz, June 5, 1973.
Quoted from M. Rodinson, Israel: A Colonial Settler State?, Monad
Press, 1973, pp. 15. - تاريخ
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- Najwa Hanna Makhoul
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