The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 263)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 263)
- - ehas created those political facts which have paved the road for
our present status. . .No matter how small and weak the Jewish colo-
nies might be, no matter how great the shortcomings in their system
of colonization. . .a fallen shomer [member of the movement] plays a
greater role in the realization of Zionism than all declarations."
See S. Levenberg, The Jews and Palestine: A Study of Labour Zionism,
Poale Zion (Reprint of 1945), 1975, pp. 36-37. This same strategy
was advocated and practiced by Arthur Ruppin, one of the chief archi-
tects of the Jewish colonizing enterprise and later head of the
Palestinian Bureau of the Jewish Agency, through which colonization
was implemented. See:
Ruppin, Arthur, Arthur Ruppin: Memories, Diaries, Letters, Edited by
Alex Bein, New York, Herzl Press, 1972.
» The Agricultural Colonies of the Zionist Organization
in Palestine (the rise of Jewish nationalism and the Middle East ser-
vice), Hyperion, Connecticut (Reprint of 1926), 1975.
» Three Decades of Palestine Speeches and Papers on the
Upbuilding of the Jewish National Home, Greenwood (Reprint of 1936),
More importantly, the same strategy is still used today as a settle-
ment policy by Israeli authorities, as in the case of New Development
Towns and as by squatting settlers, as in the case of Gush Emunin.
In Haaretz, November 20, 1975, p. 5, it was reported that the spokes-
man for Gush Emunim, Mr. Chanan Porat, stated:
", . .in our opinion, the main part of the answer must be realization
and action. . .All forces must be mobilized in a campaign amongst
world Jewry for immigration and to establish dozens of settlements on
the West Bank, the Golan Heights and the Sinai Approaches. . ."
In the same day, Haaretz, p. 1, reported:
"A list of twenty-nine suggested settlements to be set up in 1976 in
the framework of 'the Zionist answer to the U.N. decision against
Zionism’ was presented by the Jewish Agency and the Zionist organiza-
tion to the participants of the Ministerial Committee for Settlement
Matters, headed by Israel Galilli."
Haaretz, December 13, 1974. Translation from Shahak, op.cit., p. 3.
Al-Hamishmar (of the organ of the Socialist-Zionist Party MAPAM),
July 21, 1975.
Yediot Ahronot, translation from Facts (no date). Also, see Amal
Samed, ''The Proletarianization of Palestinian Women in Israel,"
MERIP Reports, No. 50, August, 1976.
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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