The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 266)
- عنوان
- The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 266)
- المحتوى
I. Introduction
In this chapter we examine the nature of the Israeli labor force, in
terms of peculiar characteristics that derive from the settler-colonial na-
ture of this social formation. We focus on the prominent features prevalent
since the 1967 war, believed to have affected the militarization of the Is-
raeli economy and, indirectly, the growing demand for Palestinian labor.
We focus first on the sources and composition of the labor force: the
ethnic/national composition of the labor force; the civilian/non-civilian
dichotomy in the process of economic transformation. We interpret the par-
ticipation rates and patterns and describe the various segments of this labor
force and their different modes and locales of reproduction. Finally, we ex-
amine prospective sources of labor in light of the conflicting investment
versus immigration incentives. We conclude the chapter with a discussion
of the implications of the structure and composition of the labor force for
the prospects for proletarian alliances.
To understand the internal structure of the working class as well as
the class-locations of the various segments of the labor force in later
chapters, we reconstruct a holistic picture of the labor force as a unity
(a fragmented unity) within the unity of the division of labor. Identifi-
cation of the origins and characteristics of the labor force reveals some
of the determinants underlying the differential locations of its various
segments in Israel's economic structure as well as specifically in the so-
cial division of labor. Most importantly, this chapter helps us to estab-
lish the extent to which segmentations of the labor force by ethnic ori-
gins, religious affiliations, national identities, as well as on the basis
of managerial dichotomies are, in the last instance, superceded by or co- - تاريخ
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- المنشئ
- Najwa Hanna Makhoul
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