The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 274)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 274)
in the native population. By the end of 1947 (prior to the establishment
of the Jewish State), the population of Palestine totaled 1,380,000 native
Palestinians, plus 700,000 Jewish settlers. With the founding of the Jew-
ish State, the greater majority of Palestinians were expelled to neighboring
and other countries, where they are still scattered (Illustration V). The
State thus was established with a total population of 834,317, with only
117,639 Arabs. In 1949, West Galilee and the Small Triangle were annexed,
resulting in increasing the native Palestinian Arabs to 160,000 (14 percent
of the total population) and with a 4.6 percent birth rate, became 380,300
(12.8 percent of the total population) in 1967, and 530,000, or 15.3 per-
cent of the total Israeli population (3,451,000), in 1975.
According to Israeli statistics, there were 599,000 Palestinians on
the West Bank in 1967 and 675,000 in 1974. In Gaza, there were 390,000
in 1967 and 417,000 in 1974. This is to say that 1.5 million native Pales-
tinian-Arabs are now within the boundaries of "Greater Israel"; the ethnic
composition of the total population being roughly 31 percent Western Jews,
33 percent Oriental-Jews, and 36 percent Palestinian-Arabs.
A high fertility rate has been consciously used by Palestinian-Arabs
in Israel as a political national survival and de-Zionization strategy, in
the sense of undermining the Zionist imperative of Jewish demographic
superiority in Palestine. According to the Koenig Report, the natural
population increase of Arabs in Israel amounts to 5.9 percent per annum,
compared with 1.5 percent for Jews.” This high fertility rate has some
effect on the rate of participation in the labor force, which is lower
among Arabs as compared with Jews. The relatively higher rate of labor
force participation among Jews is largely the function of the reliance of
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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