The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 277)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 277)
the labor force on immigration of persons in their most productive age.
From. the founding of the State in 1948 until the end of 1974, Israel
received 1.6 million Jewish immigrants, most of whom came in the first
years of Statehood, during the nation-building phase, as shown in Table II.
In recent years, however, specifically following the October, 1973, war,
Jewish immigration to Israel has been declining and growth in the Jewish
labor force has become increasingly dependent on birth rates.
According to Maariv and Yediot Aharonot of January 2, 1975, the number
of Soviet Jews who arrived in Israel in 1974 was 17,000, compared with
33,000 in 1973; 900 in December, 1974, compared with 3,000 in December,
1973. The percentage of "Vienna drop-outs" in December, 1974, was 36 per-
cent. Haaritz, March 17, 1977, reports 49 percent of Soviet Jews who immi-
grated to Israel in February had already emigrated away from Israel. The
number of United States Jews arriving to settle in Israel in 1974 was 3,000
compared with 4,000 in 1973. In sum, the number of new Jewish immigrants
arriving in Israel in 1974 was 32,000, compared with 56,000 in 1973, a de-
cline of 40 percent. Between 1974-1975 there was a further decline of 52
percent. The Jewish population increased by 53,000 (2 percent birth rate)
and the Arab citizen increased by 17,500 (3.5 percent birth rate). Of this
total increase in the Jewish population of Israel, 46,500 were due to
"natural excess of births over deaths" and 7,000 were due to the balance
of immigration (including those Jews who came to settle in Israel but re-
fused Israeli citizenship) over emigration. The crisis in immigration
seems matched by a corresponding increase in emigration. 1975 was the
worst year for immigration in a decade; with emigration (17,000) exceeding
immigration (12,600); compared with 32,000 immigrants versus 25,000 emi-
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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