The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 281)
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- The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 281)
- المحتوى
reinforces the role of this group in promoting realization on a domestic
scale. This major transformation of consumption patterns among Oriental
Jews must be considered in the analysis of demand for Palestinian labor. It
has special bearing on the rise of subsistence cost, the cost of reproduc-
tion of labor power, i.e., wage.
Finally, it is important to indicate here that Oriental Jews, as well
as the previous early settler-Sabra groups, constitute the main segment of
the labor power whose reproduction is endogenous, i.e., whose cost falls on
Israel. "Aliyah absorption" is the major form of reproductive effort, pro-
vided mainly by the settler-Sabra generation through the Yishuv public capi-
tal and State capital.
3. Europe-America immigrants: In the present, this group constitutes
the major source of Jewish labor in Israel. Historically, it has represen-
ted an inflow of human capital from advanced capitalism and recently, also
from the industrialized Soviet Union, into Israel. This population group
provides that proportion of the labor force with the highest levels of pro-
fessional training in technical and scientific skills. In this sense, Jew-
ish immigration from European-American countries into Israel is a form of
free technology transfer. For Israel, it is also a form of saving human
capital investment through "brain-gain", while for the immigrants' countries
of origin, it may represent disinvestment in human capital through "brain-
drain". In the unity of the world capitalist system and its single inter-
national division of labor, however, this portion of Israel's labor force
does not represent disinvestment in human capital; on the contrary, as a
part of international technocracy, it is uniquely positioned to directly
: 10 +. os
promote accumulation on a world scale. For our purpose, however, it is - تاريخ
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- المنشئ
- Najwa Hanna Makhoul
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