The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 290)
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- The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 290)
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definition generates several difficulties, one of which is that the de-
termining period is generally brief. The labor force participation figures
are thus subject to considerable seasonal fluctuations, which are particu-
larly sharp in agriculture and construction, where Arabs are primarily em-
ployed. Further, where there is no organized labor market, the distinction
between unemployed and non-participants is not always clear, and some of
the unemployed slip out of the labor force.-! Another problem in this defi-
nition is one regarding persons employed other than through the market mech-
anism; hence their labor power is not exchanged for capital. This is espe-
cially true in the case of unpaid employment on family farms, especially
women, both in domestic work and subsistence agricultural production. This
is also true in the cases of illegal employment, which was often applied to
Palestinian-Arab citizens in the earlier stage of the country's development,
when their penetration into the labor market was regulated by military ad-
ministration rules and work permits. The same applies today to labor smug-
gled in from the territories occupied in 1967.
A further problem lies in the dependence of the rates of labor force
participation on the demand for labor, so that they cannot correctly re-
flect the supply of labor. 7 Most important, however, are the problems
this definition of the labor force poses in regard to understanding the dyna-
mics of the labor market and the employment structure, let alone the prob-
lems it poses regarding class analysis and transformation.
According to Y. Ben Porath:->
"In 1961 the ratio of labor force to total population was 25.3
percent among Arabs (43.5 percent for men); for the Jewish popu-
lation the figures are 36.8 and 53.1 percent respectively, and
these cannot be considered high, either. Among the Arabs of
Palestine, in 1931 the proportion of active population was
also higher. In most European countries, the active population
constitutes over 40 percent of the total population (over 60
percent of men), and in Africa and South America over 30 per- - تاريخ
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- Najwa Hanna Makhoul
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