The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 296)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 296)
hiring of Arab labor.
Iv. Civilian/Non-Civilian Labor Force Dichotomy
Labor Force Survey 1974 defines as "in civilian labor force" age 14
and over who were "employed" or "unemployed" during the determinant wee
"Employed person: a person who had worked for at least one
hour during the determinant week in any form of work or gain-
ful activity; a worker in a qibbuz (in services or in any other
branch) plus any unpaid family member or unpaid inmate of an
institution who worked more than 15 hours during the determi-
nant week. Also included are those temporarily absent from
work who during the determinant week have not been seeking
other employment. Yeshiva members actively employed in
teaching are treated as employed persons (from 1967 those
aged 18 and over).
Unemployed: all those who did not work at all during the
determinant week (even one hour) and actively sought work in
that week through registration in the Labour Exchanges or in
other employment agencies, by personal or written applications
or in an attempt to establish private enterprise. Also in-
cluded in this category are temporary absentees from work who
have actively sought other employment.
Not in civilian labour force: all the adult residents who in
the determinant week were neigher "employed" nor "unemployed".
This group includes students and pupils (except for Yeshiva
students aged 18 plus acting in a teaching quality), housewives
(who did not work even for one hour outside their home), per-
sons incapacitated for work, pensioners and rentiers who did
not work even for one hour during the determinant week, ser-
vice men in the Armed Forces (either a compulsory term of ser-
vice or regular army) and unpaid family members and inmates
of institutions having worked less than 15 hours per week." 34
Accordingly, the civilian/non-civilian (specifically military) labor
force dichotomy is being, by definition, officially obscured. The "em—
ployed" category within the civilian labor force "also includes those
temporarily absent from work who, during the determinant week, have been
seeking other employment." The latter refers, most likely, to persons
temporarily mobilized into the Reserves or regular army service.
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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