The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 298)
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- The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 298)
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This systematic integration is best articulated and reinforced by Eli
Ginzberg, an American consultant to the Manpower Planning Authority in the
Fifth Report on Manpower in Israel, 1968. In this report, Ginzberg em-
phasizes the imperative of "closer articulation between military and civi-
lian enterprises" if Israel is to survive and prosper. He supports his
advice with the following rationale:
"Because of the critically important role of the defense in
the nation, sizeable budgetary allocations have been made and
will inevitably continue to be made to modernize and improve
the Israel Defense Forces. The Ministry of Defense is with-
out question the single largest customer in the nation...and
has taken the lead in many areas to develop a military indus-
trial complex. This has proved highly successful in many
sectors because the military enterprises were able to move
ahead with degrees of freedom, tighter management, and superior
labor morale."
Ginzberg tries further to advocate not only that military production
be the leading sector, but also the subordinating of the civilian economy
to its servitude; hence, furthering circulation linkages in production.
"> .If the demand of the military for a broad range of items
can be placed on the civilian economy; if the standards
which the military requires can be established as norms
within the civilian economy; if the advanced sectors of the
military industries can penetrate foreign markets as part
of a larger Israeli export effort; if military requirements
can be used as a basis for developing imports substitutions,
the entire economy will be stimulated."
Ginzberg does not forget to mention the potential spill-off effects
on the civilian economy:
" ..The fact that the military is increasingly dependent on
advanced technology, particularly in the field of electronics,
means that it can stimulate branches of that industry, not only
to meet military needs but also to develop civilian speciali-
"Lately [he adds], more attention has been paid to the poten-
tial gains from more closely articulating the military and - تاريخ
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- المنشئ
- Najwa Hanna Makhoul
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