The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 299)
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- The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 299)
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civilian economies....Since the survival and prosperity
of Israel depend on the strengthening of its economy as
well as the maintenance of strong defense forces, impor-
tant gains would accrue by extending to the civilian
economy the leadership of defense industries in design,
production, distribution, quality control. Some movement
has been made in this direction but more can and should
be done to diffuse the many points of strength that the
defense industry has acquired."
A survey of the ex-generals, conducted by Youram Peri in 1972, 38
shows that they are to be found in all branches of the economy and seem-
ingly very much in accordance with Ginzberg's report: army people are
taking control of more and more branches of the government and industry.
Even three out of Israel's four universities are run by generals. For
example, Yaacov Dori was, until recently, the President of the Haifa
Technion, Israel's Institute of Technology. Mordechai Makleff is
Chairman of the Citrus Marketing Board and thus in charge of Israel's
leading export organizations. Haim Laskov, Moshe Dayan's successor as
Israel's Minister of Defense, was, until recently, Director of the Port
Authority. The newest ex-Chief of Staff of them all, Haim Bar Lev, is
now in the Cabinet as Minister of Commerce and Industry. Aluf (Major
General) Meir Amit, who was Chief of the Operations Branch and Chief of
Intelligence, is now Director of Koor, the giant Histadrut concern that
controls one-fifth of Israel's industry. Aluf Dan Tolkowsky, formerly
Chief of the Air Force, is General Manager of the Discount Bank Invest-
ment Company; Aluf Ahoran Doron is Director General of Tel Aviv Univer-
sity, and Aluf Elad Peled is Director General of the Ministry of Educa-
After the Six-Day War, the prestige of senior officers increased
even more and the demand for them by the civilian market skyrocketed. - تاريخ
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- Najwa Hanna Makhoul
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