The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 302)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 302)
ment. It is also Israel's biggest private industrial conglomerate, opera~
ting in varied spheres; heavy and light industries and construction, aero-
space and communications, vehicle assembly and textiles, with 10,000 en-
ployees. Similarly, Elta Electronics Industries produce, along with
weaponry, medical electronics. >” Also, Process Control Instrumentation
(PCI), relatively new to Israel industry, is used both in military and
civilian production. According to Aviation Week & Space Technology, "with
the tremendous expansion of the chemical and food industries, PCI will ex-
pand proportionately. This is due to the need for automation to substi-
tute for the lack of manpower and the need to export products to sophisti-
cated markets.""10
A macro-example of the increasing integration of civilian and military
production and personnel is reflected in transformation of the army, indus-—
try and the universities into the "three musketeers". Most of the metal
products manufacturing, rubber, textiles, and even clothing, is integrated
into the defense and feeds into military production directly or indirectly.
Therefore, the question is no longer one of what is military and what is
civilian, but rather how strategic each industry is for military production.
This formulation reveals its significance when we examine joining/replace-
ment trends by economic branch and when we compare the horizontal labor
mobility and differential access of the various ethnic groups to the eco-
nomic branches more or less politically, economically and scientifically
In high technology production, it is occupational status that matters
most. How much access to information and to the acquisition of technical
skill one has in these industries determines whether one is primarily part
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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