The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 305)
- عنوان
- The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 305)
- المحتوى
Palestinian~Arab labor is concentrated. Although the import of cheaper
labor power from occupied territories is potentially disciplining to the
Palestinian-Arab labor force inside Israel, it has, if any, very little
disciplinary effect on the Jewish labor force of Israel. Since the inte-
gration of the territories occupied in 1967 into the Israeli economy, and
with the increasing penetration of Palestinian-Arabs into the Israeli
labor market, a negative correlation existed between the former and
Israeli labor unrest. Labor unrest has been constantly rising, more in
correlation with declining rates of unemployment or the persisting of full
employment conditions. *>
The fact that importing Palestinian-Arab labor power inflects no dis-
ciplinary effect on the Jewish labor force is probably linked to the in-
creased integration of the civilian economy into military production. Con-
siderations of security (both of the State and of this dominant industrial
capital) do indeed shelter Jewish industrial workers (who are increasingly
moving into military and military-related production) from the competitive-
ness of this cheaper Arab labor. This point may explain the import of labor
-- non-Jewish labor -- from European countries like Yugoslavia in 1972, 7°
During the peak of the economic boom, full employment and a shortage
in Jewish labor, the import, on a temporary basis, of this skilled Euro-
pean labor that represents no security risk for the State of Israel, is
more likely to discipline the Jewish industrial labor force in these stra-
tegic sectors of the Israeli economy.
This point has some bearing on our central question regarding the
prospects for Jewish-Arab proletarian alliance in Israel. The relation
of political domination/subordination prevalent today provides the subordi- - تاريخ
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- المنشئ
- Najwa Hanna Makhoul
Position: 60971 (1 views)