The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 310)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 310)
The same source, recognizing the centrality of the manpower factor
in attracting foreign investment capital in high technology production,
points out also the externality of the very source of this investment in-
centive, saying:" one of the most important factors that enables Israel
to mount a significant research and development program is its scientific
and technical manpower. In many ways, this is a crucial element. Capi-
tal, even sophisticated equipment, can quite easily be moved from one
country to another on very short order. Human skills, however, can be
imported only on a very limited basis, and their development at home is a
long, complex and vulnerable process. The human capital, essential for
the operation of a modern technological society, is available in signifi-
cant quantities. In 1974, some 100,000 Israelis held academic degrees,
and another 79,000 had graduated from post-secondary education institu-
tions other than universities. Something like one of every five Israelis
in the civilian labor force has had more than twelve years of schooling.
To some extent, this is the result of a significant "brain gain" through
the larger-scale immigration of often highly qualified people."*8 The
more effective this incentive becomes in attracting foreign investment,
the more industrialized Israel becomes, hence, the less fit to the U.S.
LDC tax status, which is another unique advantage Israel has over other
Western countries for attracting business opportunity. It has already
been expressed: 'We are on the verge of moving from an underdeveloped
country to an industrial state and it is solely because our defense in-
dustry...Before the war broke out in 1967, Israel was bogged down in its
first serious recession; scientists were leaving the nation because of
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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