The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 317)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 317)
Jewish State;>” as a result of this inevitable maldistributional problem,
the shortage of Jewish labor power is likely to persist even in the non-
strategic sectors of the civilian economy, making more room there for
Palestinian-Arab labor. Let us now examine the potential viability of
further reliance on Arab labor as an alternative adjustment in the face
of an increasing demand for technical labor force in high technology in-
dustry, concomitant with a simultaneous decline in immigration, and rise
in emigration, rates.
Reliance on Palestinian-Arab labor is being discussed here in the
context of optimizing the utilization of available sources of labor force
as an alternative adjustment to immigration decline. In this sense, it
is also related to the possibilities for optimizing the utilization of
available Jewish labor precisely by means of redistribution of both seg-
ments of the labor force in the employment structure.
Palestinian-Arab labor was historically and still is underutilized
in the Israeli economy. Underutilization applies both to those in, and
not in, the labor force. In the first case, underutilization is in the
form of subemployment due to the nature of labor categories within which
Palestinian workers are situated, in the case of citizen male labor these
are usually menial personal services in garages, restaurants, etc., and
to non-citizen Palestinians these are mainly seasonal cash-cropping jobs,
Underutilization, both in the form of subemployment regarding par-
ticipants in the labor force, as well as in the form of non/subproletari-
anization regarding the non-participants in the labor force applies most
dramatically to female Palestinian labor, citizen and non-citizen alike.
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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