The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 323)
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- The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 323)
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In pointing out the "paths to more effective manpower utilization,"
Eli Ginzberg warns Israel Manpower Planning Authority that:
",..serious problems will rise in Israel as the number
of students completing elementary school from recent immi-
grant families from Africa and Asia begin to outnumber
those who are native-born or who come from the families
of immigrants from Europe....
...-The birth rate of recent immigrant families from Africa
and Asia is much higher than that of the earlier settlers
from Europe, which carries the threat that "Oriental" Jewry,
with values and goals different from the older population,
will soon form a majority of the citizenry; that educated
Israelis are going abroad and that many are delaying their
return; that the number of immigrants from the West--Europe,
North and South America, and South Africa--remains low.
...-Against these demographic facts, to which must be added
that... the Arab population in Israel and surrounding Israel
--.-continues to multiply at high rates; the gross disparities
in manpower in quantitative terms is certain to worsen in
the decades ahead." 64
In light of these "ominous implications", Ginzberg emphasizes the necessity
of special attention to be "devoted to devising ways and means to help in
accelerating the flow of trained manpower from the West."
This is not the place to discuss the Moynihan-like "culture of pov-
erty" argument and "blaming the victim" tone in his analysis of why the
Oriental-Jews are potentially unfit and untrainable for high technology
production and his racist view as a serious threat, the becoming of the
Oriental element (Arab and Jew) an overwhelming majority in the Israeli
labor force; which, in turn, necessitates the devotion of all effort to
accelerate the inflow of trained manpower from the West. It is the place,
however, to conclude that sophisticated training of unskilled Oriental-
Jewish labor force in Israel is neither a national priority nor one of - تاريخ
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- المنشئ
- Najwa Hanna Makhoul
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