The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 326)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 326)
ing a Nation-State in Palestine and all through the nation-building phase
after 1948, political/patriotic immigration incentives became more preva-
lent. Historical events external to Zionism have also coincided with the
immigration objective. For example, the rise of fascism in Nazi Germany
and anti-semitism in the West become a powerful push for Jewish immigration
to Palestine prior to and right after the establishment of the State. The
segment of the labor force victimized by Nazism came as refugees, not as
colonial settlers; they came to Palestine as "free" laborers and were,
therefore, coersively proletarianized, unlike the majority of the settler
With the exception of this group and some segments of the Asian-Afri-
can immigrants, most Jewish immigration after Statehood seems to be posi-
tively correlated with wars, specifically those resulting in territorial ex-
pansion (unlike the exceptional case of the 1973 October War). Nation-
building and national security (security of the State) became the most in-
strumental slogans in increasing both Jewish philanthropic capital and Jew-
ish human resources for national infrastructural development, including the
army. Wars and territorial expansion required immigration for maintaining
sovereignty through demographic superiority, as Zvi Gitleman points out:
"After 1967, with the inclusion of large numbers of Arabs
in the boundaries of the State, and with the realization
that the birth rate of Israeli Arabs is much higher than
that among Jews, the Government launched a campaign to at-
tract additional immigration in order that the relative
weight of the Jewish populaiton be preserved, and that the
total Jewish population grow, partially in order to enhance
Israel's military security." 67
Included in the nation-building objective is, of course, the develop-
ment of Israel's economic and urban infrastructure that generates job op-
portunities, in turn used as incentive for more Jewish immigration. The
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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