The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 328)
- عنوان
- The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 328)
- المحتوى
"It is startling and revealing [he writes in 1968] that
there is no adequate Hebrew word for "Foreman". Yet. the
Foreman plays a critical role in the industrial life of
most advanced nations....Israeli industry cannot grow
rapidly in sophistication without institutionalizing the
role of the Foreman. Among the important duties of a
Foreman is to help orient the newcomer and to see that he
acquires the requisite skill to perform his task as ra-
pidly as possible....The slow development of foremanship
in Israeli industry is unusual in light of the fact that
the Israel Defense Forces rely heavily on the non-commis-
sioned officer. The industrial Foreman should discharge
functions that parallel in many respects those of the non-
commissioned officers. If Israeli industry is to grow in
scale and sophistication, the growth of foremanship must
be speeded." 68
Ginzberg further emphasizes the development of management skills, coupled
with liberalization policies, if Israel is to attract foreign entrepreneurs,
and if her enterprises are to expand, particularly overseas, and more impor-
tantly, to erase the residuals of the egalitarian doctrine; for example, by
tying wage increases more closely to productivity gains.
The post-1967 phase, therefore, represents an almost total shift into
material incentives for both investment as well as Aliyah. Profitability
has become the primary consideration for international subsidiaries to choose
Israel as an operation site. Material provisions and benefits have become
the primary incentives for Jewish immigration. The quality of housing and
employment increasingly determine immigration/emigration trends. Further-
more, the kind of investment that Israel has been trying to attract (mainly
in the realm of high technology production and industrial research and de-
velopment) does predetermine the kind of labor-in-demand; hence comes the
emphasis on selective Aliyah of professional and technically trained per-
sons with the United States being the most promising of all potential
sources for the supply of Jewish trained manposer in the near future. 9
As Gitelman points out: - تاريخ
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- المنشئ
- Najwa Hanna Makhoul
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