The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 332)
- عنوان
- The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 332)
- المحتوى
"...the multi-cornered flow of persons into and out of Israel,
temporarily and permanently, must be viewed in the larger
context of the development and vitality of both Israel and
the Diaspora. The security and welfare of each will be
strengthened as the bonds between them are made closer.
When an Israeli scientist goes abroad to assume a position
in a major industrial company...he may be the direct or
indirect cause of new business ties which can aid in stimu-
lating the growth of the Israeli economy. And the ability of
Israel to attract trained people from the West depends more
on the rate of its economic expansion than on any other single
factor....The more complex relations that exist between Is-
rael and the Diaspora...may require a more circular flow of
people than is suggested by a direct approach to Aliyah." 73
Nothing is more indicative of the crisis of Aliyah than these words,
hence the bankruptcy of proletarian Zionism. The position expressed by Ginz-
berg is probably representative of the aspirations of the "new" Jewish petty
bourgeoisie (technicians, engineers, managers, etc.) who, unlike the big
capitalists and the old petty bourgoisie, are free of property relations.
They are, therefore, more mobile in accordance with the requirements of
monopoly capital. It is by virtue of its relation to monopoly capital that
this class, or class-faction, is reproduced. In this respect also it differs
from the traditional petty bourgeoisie, who are constantly threatened with
extinction by monopoly formation.
The pragmatism expressed in Ginzberg's recommendations with regard to
Jewish immigration/emigration derives from a more correct assessment of the
actual material realities binding Israel with Diaspora in the age of mono-
poly capitalism. This dynamic integration by means of free labor inflow
may be taken to signify a proposed alternative to Aliyah, as the only re-
maining solution to the problem of Jewish labor supply in Israel. This al-
ternative, however, may lead to the disintegration of the Jewish national
entity "manufactured" by the Zionist movement in Palestine, hence the
transformation of the Israeli settler-colonial formation into a mere secu- - تاريخ
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- المنشئ
- Najwa Hanna Makhoul
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