The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 338)
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- The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 338)
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Tsrael took no action in investigating this scandal. On the con-
trary, those who carried out this mission were treated as national
heroes. Sources: Haolem Hazeh, Tel-Aviv, April 27, 1966. Jerusalem
Post, June 15, June 16, and July 21, 1966." This event is also veri-
fied by Black Panther Kokhavi Shemesh in Davis and Mezvinsky, Docu-
ments from Israel, op.cit., p. 121. It reinforces the argument con-
cerning Zionist mobilization of Oriental-Jews for demographic super-
iority and legitimization.
A large portion of the Likud votes are reported to come from Oriental-
Jews. It may be more accurate, however, to specify the source of
these votes as being Sephardic, not Oriental, Jews. While the lat-
ter refers strictly to Asia-Africa Middle Eastern immigrants, the
former are Eastern, as opposed to Ashkenazi religious pre-Zionist
group. Their alliance with M. Begin, the leader of the Likud, dates
back to the pre-Statehood. As Shlomo Avineri writes:
"The populist religiosity of the Sephardic masses caused many of
them to identify with the militant nationalism of the Revisionist
Irgun Zwai Leumi and later, with Begin's right-wing Herut Party.
The number of Sephardim in the Irgun was very high." Avineri,
op.cit., pp. 284-285.
A good reference on the development of consumerism among Oriental-
Jews is "Income Inequality in Israel: Ethnic Aspects," by Oded
Remba, in Curtis and Chertoff, ibid., p. 199.
It is important, however, to notice how the growing ownership of
durable goods function of income has been a substitute for, concom-
itant with constant alienation from, economic ownership of means of
International technocracy is best represented by internationally
trained consulting firms staffed mainly with engineers and technicians
who virtually contribute directly to the creation of surplus value —--
to capital accumulation.
Distinguished by professional, not only on the job, training; occupy-
ing more mental labor categories, subjegated to lower relative rate
of exploitation at the expense of unskilled and semi-skilled labor
categories. The term usually refers to labor, that segment of the
labor force made more privileged as a necessary consequence of oli-
gopolistic behavior, as explained by Giovanni Arrighi.
See Fifth Report on Manpower in Israel, June, 1968.
Possibly, the recent interference of President Jimmy Carter with
Israel sales of the Kfir to Ecuador is not unrelated to this is-
sue. And it may be only the beginning of expressing discontent
over this matter. - تاريخ
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- المنشئ
- Najwa Hanna Makhoul
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