The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 348)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 348)
alliances, It therefore becomes important to know how stable or unstable
the employment structure of the labor force is, This means we are con-
cerned to indicate to what extent the current locations of the various
segments of the labor force in Israel's employment structure are merely
conjunctural, and therefore unstable, and/or which result from irrever-
sible structural transformations and are therefore more permanent and less
transitory. The latter has special bearing on class struggle (specifi-
cally of the more vulnerable Palestinians) and the potential for alliances.
Ultimately, the inseparability of the technical and social divisions
of labor is more important than the distinction between them. They con-
stitute two faces of the capital accumulation process and structure.
This is speaking of the articulation between the relations of production
and the labor process in the form of the relation between the technical
and the social divisions of labor, The labor process does not exist in
itself independently, but always in definite social forms. In the actual
organization of the labor process, the social division of labor, directly
dependent on the relations of production, dominates the technical division
of labor.
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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