The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 351)
- عنوان
- The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 351)
- المحتوى
force tends to be concentrated, next to farming, in construction (23.1
percent) and manufacturing work.
Arabs and Jews are equally represented only in one occupation, in-
creasingly undesirable to Jews, i.e., transport and communication. Arabs,
however, seem to be most poorly represented in administrative, executive,
managerial and clerical jobs (only 1.9 percent of the labor force com-
pared with 17 percent of the Jewish labor force). Those who belong to
this category are most likely to work only at the level of local munici-
pal councils.
The under-representation of Arabs in these State-bureaucracy—related
occupational categories is indeed consistent with their political status
as a native national minority within a settler colonial regime. After
all, this is a Jewish State and it is to be managed and administered by
This point may explain, in part, the heavier concentration
of Jews in administrative/managerial than in scientific/technical occupa-
tions as our figures reflect, in spite of the exceptionally high level of
professional training that distinguishes the Israeli-Jewish labor force
compared with Israel's Arab labor force or with other developing countries.
In fact, the Arab labor force demonstrates the contrary, being less
poorly represented in scientific/professional than in administrative/mana-
gerial jobs. Of course, one must not forget that Arabs in professional
occupations are mainly school teachers in their separate but not indepen-
dent Arab schools. - تاريخ
- ١٩٧٨
- المنشئ
- Najwa Hanna Makhoul
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