The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 355)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 355)
In light of this detail, it is worth mentioning, though in passing
only, that as the military absorbs the "surplus" Jewish labor, similarly
agriculture is the parallel sponge-like mechanism in the Arab sector.
This, indeed, points out a form of flexibility provided by the "tradi-
tional sector", hence shedding light on one of the reasons why it is
tolerated in modern economies, This is related to why the center needs
a periphery into which to transfer the effects of its main contradictions,
a point to be discussed further elsewhere in the context of uneven de-
velopment and the extended reproduction of capitalism.
In sum, the comparison of average proportional distribution is a
very static method, hence likely to obscure major dynamics of change that
take place during each particular year which may otherwise reveal signi-
ficant facts. It reflects trends in horizontal mobility across occupa-
tions rather than actual changes within each.
B. Rate of Change
The rate of change is a more dynamic indicator of transformation in
the particular occupation within the structures of employment over time.
It reflects some historical dimension of change that the average propor-
tional occupational distribution does not. The rate of change does sharply
reflect a wide range of instability (in both directions of growth and
decline) of demand for each particular labor category; but may not in-
form us anything about horizontal/vertical mobility across occupations.
In this case, for example, the rate of change is not to describe oc-
cupational structures of employment for the Arab and the Jewish labor
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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