The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 356)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 356)
force in a particular time or how the distribution of the latter changes
over time. It rather measures the ups and down, or stability, of demand
for each (Arab and/or Jewish) labor category during a specific period of
time. Refer for this analysis to Table J-2, computed from the absolute
as distinguished from the proportionate distribution (as in Table J) of
each labor force in positions within the technical division of labor,
i.e,, by the various occupational categories.
The most prominent feature reflected in the comparison of change in
the Arab versus Jewish occupational structure of employment is that of
the change rate being considerably higher in the Arab than in the Jewish
occupational structure, This is true in both directions, expansion as
well as decline. Higher rates of expansion in the Arab employment struc-
ture become more striking and apply invariably to all occupations, espe-
cially services during the post-1967 economic boom, as do also the rates
of decline during the pre-1967 recession.°© This feature can be correctly
interpreted as an expression of instability in the Arab structure of em-
ployment. The Arab citizens of Israel do not control the sources of
their own employment, even their control over their traditional agricul-
ture was too shaken by land expropriation, price control and water-use
policies, resulting in their increasing vulnerability and dependence. The
latter, in turn (along with political vulnerability) subjugate the Arab
labor force to the ups and downs of the economy at large and force it to
respond more extremely to crises and booms,
The second most prominent feature, comparing the two periods, is the
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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