The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 362)
- عنوان
- The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 362)
- المحتوى
berate and systematic policy to keep the indigenous labor force vulner-
able, thus maintained as a flexibility variable used when and as the
economy needs. Examples of how the Arab labor force is made to display
flexibility to the system are many.
Some of these we have mentioned earlier when discussing the economic
meaning of Arab labor being essentially commuter labor in Jewish work
places. This refers not only to the partial transfer of reproduction
cost into the Arab traditional village, but also in making these commuter
workers appear in and disappear from the labor force and market as seems
appropriate to the health of the economy, measured by the extent to which
the needs and interests of the ruling class are satisfied. Figures in
Table J-2 evidence this point, not only in that the decline in the de-
mand for labor during recession is sharper in the case of Arabs than in
the case of Jews, but also in the very obstruction of Arab participation
in the labor force, hence its decline by 8 percent. This decline in the
size of the Arab labor force during the pre-1967 economic crisis cannot
be viewed in terms of shortage; rather, it must be interpreted as a
function of a coersive dismembering of Arab workers from the labor force
when their presence started threatening the demand for Jewish labor,
a dismemberment through discouragement in the job-seeking process, in-
evitably forcing them into reabsorption in traditional semi-subsistence
agriculture, from which they were originally released to meet a seemingly
temporary demand for Arab labor during the first construction boom. This,
in turn, results in the masking of the relative unemployment effects of - تاريخ
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- المنشئ
- Najwa Hanna Makhoul
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