The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 376)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 376)
toundingly different: Europe-America immigrants are the most highly re-
presented, followed by Palestinian-Arabs, then Oriental-Jews, and last
and least, come the Sabras.
A meaningful interpretation of such a differential representation
in this labor category depends greatly on the nature of the commodity mar-
keted by each segment of the labor force. It makes much difference
whether or not the differential representation of ethnic groups described
above applies to the same market(s), or that it reflects the representa-
tion of each group in a different commodity(ies) market(s); say, for ex-
ample, Europe-America immigrants in the financial market and the inter-
national high-technology commodity market, Sabras in the local and on
export of luxury consumer goods market, Oriental-Jews and Palestinian-
Arabs in the basic consumer goods market, specifically within the so-
called "informal" market. Each type of these sales promotes realization
for a different form of capital. For such information we need a detailed
industy-by-occupation matrix, a lacking source of data that we will be
discussing soon.
One important detail that we can draw from these figures in light of
previously-presented information is the noticeable trend of Arab mobility
into the salesman/trader/agent labor category already during the 1966 re-
cession, a phenomenon hence concomitant with their first major layoff ex-
perience. We recall this trend to be accompanied also similarly with
mobility into transport and communication work. One way of interpreting
the two is in terms of a search for self-employment as a taxi and/or bus
driver, as a small shop-keeper in the Arab villages. During that reces-
sion, many laid-off Arab construction workers rushed into their villages
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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