The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 379)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 379)
tion, this reconstruction as in Table A does allow for the capturing of
socially significant dynamics which have some bearing on the determina-
tion of class location, as will be discussed later on. The ultimate pur-
pose of this reconstruction is to find out whether underlying these seg-
mentations by nationality and ethnicity is a potential for similarity in
class location, hence commonality in class interest and thus better pros-
pects for cross-national class alliance! It is clear that within these
relations of political domination/subordination there is no room for al-
liance among the Palestinian and Israeli national bourgeoisie and petty
bourgeoisie, since their interests are in direct conflict with each other
in this particular conjuncture; this is true even on the basis of objec-
tive material conditions-~specifically territorial and demographic. The
development of the productive forces by the Israeli-Jewish bourgeoisie --
which can happen only through continuous "selective" Aliyah, i.e., the
law of return, territorial expansion, and colonization of Palestinian
land and the reinforcing of partnership with imperialism will, inevitably,
be at the expense of the aspirations of Palestinian national bourgeoisie
and petit bourgeoisie and in direct contradiction with the interests of
all Palestinian social classes.
Hence, comes the assertion that the only aspirations that are es-—
sentially international, cross national boundaries and are likely not to
conflict with each other directly are those of the proletariat. The class
interests of the Israeli-Jewish proletariat and the Palestinian-Arab
proletariat are likely to objectively coincide, despite the
subjective conditions for conflict peculiar to this conjunction in which
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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