The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 386)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 386)
welfare and local municipal councils, generating jobs that can be most
effectively (from the perspective of the ruling class) performed by local
Arabs. This is similar to the semi-separatist, but neither equal nor
independent self-government-oriented, policies towards blacks and other
minorities in the United States. The creation of local municipal councils
in Arab villages and staffing them with local community labor force does,
for example, increase the representation of Arabs in the managerial/
administrative occupational category. Similarly does the separate (but
neither equal nor independent) school system for the Arabs in Israel in-
crease the latter's representation among the so-called “other professionals
and technical workers", which in the case of Arabs refers, simply, to
school teachers, social workers, etc., while in the case of Jews, refers
mainly to sophisticated engineers, etc. This fact is revealed by a more
detailed occupational structure of employment, as shall be seen later on.
Third, a dramatic decline in the index of differentiation of Israeli-
Jewish versus Arab occupational as well as industrial structures of em-
ployment is noticeable in the aftermath of the 1967 War. Citizen-Pales-
tinian labor seems to penetrate a larger range of economic branches and
occupational categories following the 1967 War. This change seems even
more dramatic in the industrial than the occupational structures. One
also notices how, during the 1966 recession, differentiation between Is-
raeli-Arabs and Israeli-Jews increases then declines during war time; which
is, in turn, consistent with the point made earlier regarding the relative
instability of the Arab employment structure, and also reinforces the
point regarding some similarity with the history of demand for black labor
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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